Asian Star Compliance Program (ASCP)

At Asian Star, we believe that the brilliance of a diamond should be matched by the integrity of its journey. That’s why we go beyond exceptional quality to ensure the highest ethical standards throughout our entire supply chain. This commitment is embodied in the Asian Star Compliance Program (ASCP).

This program aims to ensure ethical procurement, manufacturing, and supply of high-quality polished diamonds and diamond-studded jewellery. It addresses challenges related to the authenticity of natural diamonds, quality assurance, and responsible social-environmental practices.

Why We Take Responsible Sourcing Seriously

The diamond industry, like many others, grapples with complex issues like ethical sourcing and social responsibility. The ASCP is our way of addressing these concerns head-on. Through this program, we ensure:

Diamond Provenance You Can Trust:
– When selecting a diamond supplier, complete transparency throughout the supply chain is paramount.
– The ASCP ensures meticulous tracking of every diamond, providing you with the confidence to assure your customers of the ethical origin and journey of their diamonds.
– The ASCP meticulously tracks every diamond throughout the cutting and polishing process, from rough stone to dazzling gem.
– This meticulousness allows you to confidently know the origin and journey of your diamond.

Ethical Labour Practices:
– The ASCP enforces strict labour standards. This means fair wages, safe working conditions, and a complete ban on child and forced labour.
– When you choose an Asian Star diamond, you can be certain it was crafted with respect for human dignity.

Protecting Our Planet:
– The diamond industry has an environmental impact.
– The ASCP compels our partners to adopt sustainable practices that minimize waste and emissions.
– We are committed to preserving our planet for future generations.

The Pillars of the ASCP

The ASCP is built on a robust foundation of six key principles:

Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Our processors adhere to all relevant national and international laws and regulations.

Ethical Business Practices: We conduct business with integrity and transparency, fostering trust with all stakeholders.

Fair Labour Practices: We ensure fair wages, safe working conditions, and respect for human rights for all employees.

Environmental Protection: We actively seek ways to minimize our environmental footprint and promote sustainable practices.

Product Security: We implement robust security measures to safeguard diamonds from theft, damage, or substitution throughout the supply chain.

Traceability and Pipeline Integrity: We meticulously track diamonds through every stage of processing, ensuring their origin and journey are transparent.

 Transparency You Can Count On

At Asian Star, we believe in open communication. The ASCP document is readily available at our Investor Centre, allowing you to understand our commitment to responsible sourcing. This commitment extends beyond legal compliance to encompass every step of the diamond’s journey, from mine to market. We believe that our stakeholders, including our customers, our partners, and the communities we touch, have a right to know exactly how their diamonds are sourced and processed.

By providing open access to the ASCP document, we demonstrate our commitment to transparency and accountability. We are confident that the more you know about our practices, the more comfortable you will feel choosing an Asian Star diamond.


When you choose Asian Star, you partner with a company that shares your commitment to ethical sourcing. The ASCP ensures that every diamond we supply meets the highest standards of environmental and social responsibility. This means you can confidently offer your customers diamonds that sparkle with brilliance and a clear conscience.

Choosing Asian Star goes beyond simply getting a reliable supplier of high-quality diamonds. You’re gaining a partner committed to making a positive impact on the world.  We actively seek ways to improve our practices and minimize our environmental footprint. We collaborate with organizations that share our values and work together to ensure the diamond industry is a force for good. With Asian Star, you can be sure you’re getting diamonds that are as brilliant in their ethics as they are in cut and clarity.


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